Friday, May 8, 2009


Greg broke a piece off the fan inside the computer and it's working a treat now!

Had a couple traumatising weeks with my Nana in the intensive care unit. She had a perforated bowel and was in an induced coma for a while, all was very high risk and touch and go. Thankfully she's conscience now (beyond great odds and expectations!). So each chance I've had I've been travelling to Cairns to go and visit her. The first time I saw her awake again she put me straight to work rubbing her feet with cream and feeding her ice chips against the nurses' wishes. Man, I hope she makes it out of there, I'm going to love seeing her back home again in her chair next to Granddad's. I'll whistle as I'm on my way up the stairs and she'll say "Oh, here's our Little One." I don't want the smell of that hand soap you have to use when you go in and out to be impressed upon me psyche for the rest of my life, like it seems to be now.

I'm going along okay otherwise. Slowly getting back into cooking after having a good solid month of not having the stomach for it all. It's not like Greg's going to cook me a yummy feed or anything, his idea of a meal is dumping a tin of four bean mix with a tin of tuna and mixing it through with some BBQ sauce. How foul! My craving for chicken and sweet corn soup is what lured me back in the kitchen. It was well worth it too let me tell you. A couple of nights ago I made a really nice ravioli, but other than that I'm happy to eat some all bran for dinner, or vitawheats and tomato, good simple stuff.

I'm a bit unhappy with myself because I'm feeling mega lazy. For a long time there I would be watching Greg jump around doing his happy dances for us, just thinking "how do you get the energy for that?", I could barely raise enough to make a smile for my face. I still don't like being too far away from my bed! I wish I could muster enough energy for a daily power walk (like some of us) at least, I reckon it would do me the world of good. I'm worried about my little baby being starved of oxygen in my slow moving, lethargic body. Deep breathes. Inhale...

I'm already totally frustrated with the idea of not finding out the sex. For one Anakin is going to need time to get use to the idea of a sister, if that's the case. Because he's adamant he only wants a brother. I keep referring to Charlie and Lola's relationship and cute little cartoon girls like Millie and Mollie. And secondly I can just imagine being in hospital with a fresh baby girl and being stuck dressing her in apple green and deep purple (which is what I'll be stuck buying!). I'm going to learn to read scans so I can figure out the genitalia myself!

Works been great, I had to take Anakin with me yesterday... that was an experience..

He's weaned now and I'm loving all the night time cuddles I get instead! He sleeps on his back like me with his head as close to mine as he can get it and then he throws his arm across my neck and wraps it tightly right round my head. That's after he smothers my face and eyelids in kisses and butterfly kisses. He is super smoogey.

He's with Greg doing some grocery shopping at the moment. God bless 'em. I hate that shit these days. They'll probably come home with a fresh supply of bean mix and tuna tins and olives. Blurgh! Anyway it's fish-n-chip night and we're suppose to be leaving when they get back so I better go get ready. I'll come back soon.


Danni said...

So sorry to hear about your nanna, hope she gets better soon and back home with your grandad. Great to hear that youre feeling a little better too :o)

Kirsten said...

Sorry to hear about your Nanna. You'll always have other smells that will remind you of her too.

Don't worry about being mega lazy, you may feel it on the outside but just think all the work you are getting done on the inside! Building babies and all that!

Averil said...

"They'll probably come home with a fresh supply of bean mix and tuna tins and olives. Blurgh! "

Ha ha ha ha ha - gasp! - ha ha ha ha!

God you crack me up.

If it makes you feel any less lazy...I only walk every second...cough..third day now.

xx Ave