Monday, January 4, 2010

You give me fever.

My little Ting-Tang is losing his hair! His hairline has been receding rapidly for about a week now - where once his peachy fuzz actually met his eyebrows now he's starkly bald all the way back to the middle of his head! He reminds me of all those girls who have spent their lifetime pulling their hair back too tight and end up with more forehead than is natural. I love his ginger nut and hope his lost hair grows back exactly the same!

We are starting to get beautiful smiles out of him now. Unlike Anakin who was born smiling, he has been a fairly serious little fellow and I spend all my time trying to get him to lighten-up. I munch on his little chinny and blow mini-raspberries under his neckle. Then I kiss his lips one at a time - first his top one and then his bottom. He sticks his tongue out and licks me. It's so funny. His smiles are just beautiful. Anakin gets them when he brushes André's hair (and scalp!) When Izzy's around André seems amazed with him, his gaze follows his biggest brother around the house and he tries to locate him whenever he hears Izzy's voice.

(I did get around to cutting Izzy's hair. And then I dyed the end of his fringe and the tips of the back black. I really liked the way it turned out - his hair is very dark so it's quiet subtle. Anyway should stave off his urge to get a facial piercing or ear plugs for the time being at least!)

Greg's got a real way with him too. Sometimes (like 4am this morning) I just can't settle him down, sometimes he just needs his Daddy's arms I think.

Or maybe just someone without milk pouring through their clothes to remind him of how full he is already! My sister has the knack. She puts the kibosh on both my little boys. She just makes all the grizzles melt away as they turn to putty in her hands.

As I hoped Anakin woke up after New Years Day right as rain. His beautiful eyes as bright as normal and his enthusiasm back with a vengeance. Except Andre suffered the same fever a couple days later and spent an entire day sleeping on one of us, boiling hot - so cruel in this already incredible heat. He whimpered in his sleep and everytime we moved him he screamed like his bones where broken :( how unbearably cruel for such a tiny little boy :( Thankfully he came good just as fast as Anakin :)

We've had an influx of visitors lately and it's been really nice. Kelly and her kids came to swim in the pool and eat sweet treats... Yesterday we had friends over with their first born of 9 weeks. The two babies had a nice chorus of squarks and squeals going on at times. It was funny. Poor little Jayden who's use to life inside an air conditioned house didn't know what was going on! He fretted and fussed until his mum put a wet washer on his head and put him directly under the fan - he passed-out in 2 seconds flat after that! I've used that little trick a couple times since! We've had Bowie over, a mate of Greg's who can talk about anything and is so easy going, you could adopt him into the family without a single hump. We've had René and Tiff and their kids, who are my family anyway, and who are always such a huge help with the kids. My old friend Tracy dropped in all glorified in her hotpants and diamante fuchsia heels. I said to her "Tracy have you had a boob job recently?" And she's like "No. They're just fantastic!! Aren't they fabulous?" She takes herself to restaurants for lunch and drinks cosmo's and salt n pepper calamari." She's a local but could have walked off the set of AbFab. She cracks me up. Big time. Then we've had Greg's parents the last few days too. And Greg's cousins here today. We're always catching up with friends and family - just about every dinner time! It's the holiday season alright - going on and on...

Speaking of which I need to go get ready for our dinner date at the resort! xxx Not that any food can be better than the breakfasts I've been eating all Summer. Check this out:

1 comment:

Danni said...

You have a gorgeous family Nadine xo