Monday, May 31, 2010

Dear Tiff,

Well here I am and it's JUNE you tell me! Not one solitary entry in May and probably only one solitary entry for April. Just not good, and you check every day too! Poor baby. You know I love you.

You know what's been keeping me busy? Cleaning the bloody floors! There's nothing like a sweet white outfit on an even sweeter baby to let you know how grubby your floors are! Yep André is totally mobile now. I got a photo of him disappearing into the bathroom today, from the other end of the hall.

I think he was trying to tell me he needed a bath, after another coating of bird feathers and seed husks from our very messy (and noisy) budgies, a few hair balls (yes, I'm still malting) and some tuna grease and stray rice bubbles (Anakin now insists on meals being taken on the floor!).

Yes, he is a sweet baby. He stops people dead in their tracks to admire him. Hippy ladies at the markets tell me what a beautiful energy he has... His darling face absolutely lights up when he sees his Mumma's home from Zumba. He loves to grab the hair on both sides of my head to pull me in for a kiss. (All my kids have done that! - I must be tasty!) He is also a real difficult boy and sometimes everything I do for him is a struggle. Feeding him is a struggle - he grabs handfuls of my skin and pinches away, wriggles and carries on and wants to swap boobies all the time. He can be thrashing about on the boob right up until the moment he goes limp and falls asleep! I have to pin him down to change his nappy - another struggle! Travelling with him is the total pits, he still HATES his carseat. He cries just looking at the thing! On our trips to Cairns I resort to doing highly illegal things that the ladies on Essential Baby would totally roast me over the flames for! He hates his walker too - so that's out! Most babies I see just sit there happily looking about from their prams or from their parents laps, André will not relax - he is constantly struggling to achieve that next step in his physical progression. Thank goodness he's crawling because up until now it seems like he's been completely frustrated with all the things he can comprehend that his body can't manage to pull off!! He's too smart for his own good! All of my boys have been such DEMANDING children. I dunno how come I'm not completely nuts! I tell you what but, I'm going grey at a rapid rate of knots!

Anakin gives me a break only when he's watching his favourite shows, and then I worry about how much telle he's had! He loves being all over me and as soon as André isn't in my arms he wants to be up for a cuddle. He loves to wedge himself between me and whatever it is I'm doing! Yesterday I had André clambering all over me in the bed finding handfuls of very sensitive skin to pinch on and Anakin jumping all around my head on the pillows which gave me the sense that I was about to get my hair stood on at any second - and yep, some little artery in my brain went POP and I had an instant headache! This is how my life is. I'm actually getting a moments peace now but half the time I'm at the computer with Anakin circumnavigating my body using my neck (with it's vital airways) as a good grab-hold to pivot around and around my chair!

I can get away with doing my own thing with Anakin as long as I'm inventive enough to keep up a vernacular that makes him feel like we're having the best game ever! I managed to pull off a few hours to redraw my house plans (I think they're near perfect now!) only because I convinced him I was "designing a new dojo - a training facility of the likes never seen before, for Trunks and Goten to perfect their mastery of the Ka-Mi-YAH!!"

I've got more coming, but Anakin needs company on the toilet (!) and with André finally asleep I feel like I'm on borrowed time. XXX


0 said...

OMG! OMG!!!! A blogpost!!!! My day is complete lol! Have you checked your email? (insert angelic grin).

Love you 2 x

Charlene said...

Great to have you back N! Andre is getting huge :) What a cutie

Averil said...


And a fantabulous post!! Love the shot of Andre disappearing round the corner!!! That had me laughing out loud.


Will have to take my own...if I'm not concerned about what people will think of my baby heading for a suck on the mop/potty/broom/bin/nappy bucket etc etc...