Hey Sexypants, thought I might give the old blog a kick-start with a long-overdue reply to you - my one and only Sth Australian home-owner (and oldest friend). Just downed a delicious homemade cappuccino with coffee Chris brought back from PNG and a milk whizzy Amanda bought me last time we visited the Tully Kitchen Shop together. It was YUM! I dunno how Rene can leave his DeLonghi in the box! I was hinting for a coffee machine for my birthday too, lucky I love my firepit more! And the milk whizzy only cost a few bucks not $200! (OMG I'm still being interrupted to wipe bums! - Andre's! He was sitting on the loo telling me about his latest Skylander's "epic" moves and upgrades, and then I went to put his clothes back on he reckons undies are "locked", socks are "locked" sorry, but pants and shirt are "unlocked". (Meaning he wasn't about to put his knickers or socks back on but shirt and pants were good to go.) Me and Katrina just activated the 2 week free passes to Genesis Fitness Club we got in our freeby bag when we did Chicks at the Flicks. We put the 3 boys into the creche there and did a Body Jam class. It was fun. I suppose I shouldn't be rehydrating with coffee now should I?
Homeschooling is so much fun. We're all organised with labelled magazine files, trays of stationary, a pinboard and black board. I've gone a little crazy at Typo and bought a stapler and stickytape dispenser plus a box of lowercase alphabet stamps so Anakin can stamp out his spelling words for something a little different. Pity he thinks it's boring though and is already plotting to get on his blue uniform and go back to school were is friends are at and there's not so much work to be done!! :( It's awesome for Andre having him home though. Who else would he play Blaster-Babies in the mid-afternoon bath with? And I'm not about to clamber around being his pet raptor whose back he rides on while he's wielding his sword!
Another interruption as we take an hour out of our day to drive to Yorkey's to pick Izzy up from Ulani's. Pity she doesn't still live a 5 minute treadly ride away! Oh well, they live right on top of the knob and it kind of reminds him us of Bingil and at least when he ventures out of her bedroom he goes to fish off the rocks and stuff. ... well he did once...
Greg implored me to be a wife and put the slow cooker on with lamb stew with pearl barely n veges for his lunches yesterday. I supposed I'd better seeing as he does go to work every day without complaint to keep us all afloa. I must admit the bitch in me did refuse at first. I'm sampling a bit he didn't freeze up. It's good. Better than my last batch.
I shouldn't look at the Rebel Sport's catalogue; it makes me want stuff. For eg. the peach and grey Nikes for two hundred dollars. Ouch! Now that's not a bargain. But speaking of bargains. I bought a pair of "Not Your Daughter's Jeans" with leg slimming and butt lifting technology at the Red Cross yesterday for $5. They're being sold online for over $150!
Did I tell you how obsessed Izzy is with his fish atm? Basically sleep-talks about the Pet Barn and all the African Cyclids he wants to buy to go in the new tank he wants to buy etc etc... Oh "buy" and "by" there's another pair of homophones we can put on the word wall. (As well as pear, pair, their they're and there! Ha ha)
I'll write (right...) more later. Might go sort out some privacy setting on this here (hear) old blog. Sad that I changed the way it looks coz it's still looks the same as old in my minds eye but I really don't know (no) how to get it back to the way it was :(.
Love ya.
A Trillion Kisses
Nothing Earth-shattering. Just a chronicle of my life.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Sunday, December 11, 2011
I'm not phsyced about moving but Greg loves his job at TAFE and has experienced more challenges and job satisfaction in 6 months than he ever would've had at the mill! So that's worth it.
When we settle in we'll get some chooks and start planting sweet potatoes and pumpkin. All Anakin wants is to live on a farm, preferably up on the tablelands near the dam. He wants to milk cows and goats and tend trees. So we'll try and make Cairns as much as an agricultural expreience as we can so the poor boy doesn't get homesick for the country! Last Sunday he spent the entire day out on Rowan's lychee farm with Mum. He picked and packed us half a crate! He packed them into his backpack as well but when he put it on it was so heavy it dragged him backwards, right off the carton he was perched on!
I took Anakin to Amanda's on Friday night after work - I had to help her figure out the instructions on her incubator and change the temperature setting. She'd bought a beautiful little boy kitten that afternoon! She can't help herself with animals and is already looking after so many! She has tiny mouse that she gets up through the night to feed, she's got call ducks and ducklings; muscovy ducklings, chooks, goats, cows, a rabbit, rats, another cat and I'm probably leaving some out! They also love to camp so it becomes a bit of a pain organising to have them looked after. She was worried how Zac would react to more animals and jokingly named him "Crab-bait", saying that's what Zac would want to do with him when he gets home from the mines! We fell in love with him the moment we laid eyes on him and knowing that Anakin has been asking for a pet cat she offered him Crab-bait! So we came home with a kitten!! Anakin has been on cloud nine over it ever since! Me too - he is the sweetest little puddy I've ever seen! So affectionate and playful (and sleepy). In the last two days his name has been Treasure, Diamond, Pounce, Tootsie, Gabooshka, BubbaGanushka and Shaboosh! And he's still not sure which one he's going to go with yet! Andre just calls him "kitty-cat".
We just got home from Carols by Candlelight. Amanda's church runs it each year and there was free cake and cuppa's and a sausage sizzle, Christmas craft and facepainting, popcorn and fairyfloss. As soon as we arrived Andre's main purpose was to act as independently from the rest of his family as he possibly could so I spent the whole time trailing after him. The only time he actually stayed still for a few minutes was when Mum was doing a line dancing demo with the other bootscooting grannies. He was pretty impressed. When she'd finished he went and found her, instucted her to put her hat back on and then took her by the hand, dragged her back out the front and said "Dance!" The kids and I went in search of Christmas lights on the way home. Getting them to sleep in the car was pretty high on my agenda though. Bedtimes without Greg home is pretty hectic and usually full of strife but tonight I managed to carry them both from their carseats to their beds without any rousing. Success!
Made a yummy damper today for the fire we burnt overnight. Big bonfires are something we're all going to miss. Not that it's the weather for standing around tending fires! I'm already a puddle of sweat before 8:30 in the morning!
Had a few games of tennis yesterday with Mum and the PE teacher from school and her son. I was on a winning streak! Except the night before Greg pulled out the massage table and gave me an awesome deep tissue massage (Greg doesn't give any other kind) and every bit of me that wobbles when I run (a lot of bits) hurt like I was bruised all over >.< Worth it though.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Now that Kindy's over me and the boys are languishing in the fact that we don't need to be anywhere and have stayed home for two entire days in a row. I haven't even started up the car in two days! That's good saves on petrol coz I'm broke! Ha ha.
Anakin and Andre have started each of those mornings by leaving me alone in bed to roll around as I please and have all the pillows to myself (such glory after my usual 6 or 7 hours of broken sleep squashed up between the two of them!) and heading down the orchard for a feed of berries. Except the mozzies are usually having a feed on them! And I rouse them back up to the house after 5 minutes or so.
Our excitement for the day today was a big dig through the sandpit to find half a bucket of marbles. Then they lathered up in soap and hanging on to each end of the skipping rope I dragged them repeatedly down the slip n slide. That was funny.
Oh and an electrician came to install a smoke alarm for us and fix a couple of lights. Yesterday Andre dragged a stool underneath the manhole and wanted me to lift him up there, he reckoned there was a snake in roof he wanted to see. So today when the young lad brought his ladder in and climbed up in the roof space he thought it was great! From then on all he wanted to talk about was the "guy in there". It was his favourite topic of conversation. Me and Anakin humoured him all afternoon with "Yeah, he climbed up in the ceiling hey Bub? Wonder if he saw the snake."
Andre talks so well now. I was getting a bit worried for a while because he showed no real interest in trying to talk much and then all of a sudden he just did. There was no real approximation of speech for him. It seems he just woke up one morning conversational. I'd painted my nails late the other night and when he woke up the next morning and noticed them he said "Awww beautiful! I like it!" But like Anakin when he was little - he won't say his own name. If you ask him what his name is he just says "Me". How damn cute is that but.
Andre has been a bit tough on me. God knows I so wanted this placid, sleep-loving, easy-going boy like Greg apparently was because I thought, mentally and physically that was all I was going to be able to cope with but somehow I ended up with a little hellraiser who's tested me out big time. Up until recently everything to do with him seemed like a complete struggle. Every nappy change was a battle - him kicking and scrambling away, every feed was a mental torture - he has this habit of changing sides every half a minute and won't settle down AT ALL unless he's tweaking away at my other nipple - CHRONIC! And remarkably I'm still breastfeeding him. (And it's still just as horrible!) Bedtimes were often a physical battle. Trips to the shops a nightmare. He never cared if he was in trouble so it was very hard to discipline him. I always (half) joked that it was definitely his first incarnation as a human being because his first instinct was to hit out, stamp his feet and scream his demands at you. He seemed like this little wild animal and we've really had to work at him to be smoochy and come to us for cuddles and kisses coz he just didn't care about affection at all. My other two were much more civilized as babies!! You could just tell Andre hated being a baby! He wanted to do things so bad and just fought his way through each developmental stage and always desperately onto the next. He still now always wants to do everything for himself and is so capable and determined but thankfully much happier that he can do fun stuff like tear around on a bike, climb up to where he wants to be, help in the kitchen, run like the wind... It was basically torture for him being trapped in his little baby body. And it was terrible for me thinking if he could read my mind he wouldn't even feel loved - all my internal monologues where like "keep quiet you little shit!"; "Why did I have to get you??"; "Stop being a freak!!"; "Stop SQUIRMING!!!" Sounds so terrible when I write it like that - I must have thought those things a million times! :( Anyway since he's much happier with his capabilities now and he's all done with teething which was really horrible for him and as long as I don't try stupid things like taking him grocery shopping etc it's all pretty nice. I'm still having to resettle him about 20 times a night; slipping the nipple out of his mouth and sneaking away from him as if he was a bloody newborn so I don't get that much of a break from but once he's off the boob and sleeping through I'll be rejoicing in never having to go through all that ever again!
He was two yesterday! Did I say that? And he's still a bit of a brute but we've managed to soften him up during those two years and he's my little darling as well! I love him to pieces!
Anakin and Andre have started each of those mornings by leaving me alone in bed to roll around as I please and have all the pillows to myself (such glory after my usual 6 or 7 hours of broken sleep squashed up between the two of them!) and heading down the orchard for a feed of berries. Except the mozzies are usually having a feed on them! And I rouse them back up to the house after 5 minutes or so.
Our excitement for the day today was a big dig through the sandpit to find half a bucket of marbles. Then they lathered up in soap and hanging on to each end of the skipping rope I dragged them repeatedly down the slip n slide. That was funny.
Oh and an electrician came to install a smoke alarm for us and fix a couple of lights. Yesterday Andre dragged a stool underneath the manhole and wanted me to lift him up there, he reckoned there was a snake in roof he wanted to see. So today when the young lad brought his ladder in and climbed up in the roof space he thought it was great! From then on all he wanted to talk about was the "guy in there". It was his favourite topic of conversation. Me and Anakin humoured him all afternoon with "Yeah, he climbed up in the ceiling hey Bub? Wonder if he saw the snake."
Andre talks so well now. I was getting a bit worried for a while because he showed no real interest in trying to talk much and then all of a sudden he just did. There was no real approximation of speech for him. It seems he just woke up one morning conversational. I'd painted my nails late the other night and when he woke up the next morning and noticed them he said "Awww beautiful! I like it!" But like Anakin when he was little - he won't say his own name. If you ask him what his name is he just says "Me". How damn cute is that but.
Andre has been a bit tough on me. God knows I so wanted this placid, sleep-loving, easy-going boy like Greg apparently was because I thought, mentally and physically that was all I was going to be able to cope with but somehow I ended up with a little hellraiser who's tested me out big time. Up until recently everything to do with him seemed like a complete struggle. Every nappy change was a battle - him kicking and scrambling away, every feed was a mental torture - he has this habit of changing sides every half a minute and won't settle down AT ALL unless he's tweaking away at my other nipple - CHRONIC! And remarkably I'm still breastfeeding him. (And it's still just as horrible!) Bedtimes were often a physical battle. Trips to the shops a nightmare. He never cared if he was in trouble so it was very hard to discipline him. I always (half) joked that it was definitely his first incarnation as a human being because his first instinct was to hit out, stamp his feet and scream his demands at you. He seemed like this little wild animal and we've really had to work at him to be smoochy and come to us for cuddles and kisses coz he just didn't care about affection at all. My other two were much more civilized as babies!! You could just tell Andre hated being a baby! He wanted to do things so bad and just fought his way through each developmental stage and always desperately onto the next. He still now always wants to do everything for himself and is so capable and determined but thankfully much happier that he can do fun stuff like tear around on a bike, climb up to where he wants to be, help in the kitchen, run like the wind... It was basically torture for him being trapped in his little baby body. And it was terrible for me thinking if he could read my mind he wouldn't even feel loved - all my internal monologues where like "keep quiet you little shit!"; "Why did I have to get you??"; "Stop being a freak!!"; "Stop SQUIRMING!!!" Sounds so terrible when I write it like that - I must have thought those things a million times! :( Anyway since he's much happier with his capabilities now and he's all done with teething which was really horrible for him and as long as I don't try stupid things like taking him grocery shopping etc it's all pretty nice. I'm still having to resettle him about 20 times a night; slipping the nipple out of his mouth and sneaking away from him as if he was a bloody newborn so I don't get that much of a break from but once he's off the boob and sleeping through I'll be rejoicing in never having to go through all that ever again!
He was two yesterday! Did I say that? And he's still a bit of a brute but we've managed to soften him up during those two years and he's my little darling as well! I love him to pieces!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Try this.
Eating a huge jacket potato with bacon n onion, garlic butter, cheese, sour cream n coleslaw. It is the BEST. Yum! Left overs actually, from Andre's 2nd birthday celebration on Saturday. We had the slip n slide out for the kids but it rained too much for the bonfire we had planned. The spuds were suppose to go in the coals, we had to improvise. Andre's birthday cake was made from a chocolate cake recipe I've used a few times for birthdays this year "Jimmy's Chocolate Cake" and is definitely worth passing around. From memory it goes:
Bring to boil and then remove from the heat 600mls of cream, 4 and a half tablespoons of cocoa and 1/2 a cup of oil. Add this to 2 and a 1/2 cups of sugar and 2 and a 1/2 cups of s.r flour n beat. Combine 3 beaten eggs a teaspoon anilla essence 1 and a 1/2 teaspoons of bicarb and add to the mix.
There's also a mock cream that goes with it where you boil up a sugar syrup for five minutes - 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar cool it and then slowly beat it into 7 tablespoons of creamed butter.
It's won Mum the Best Chocolate Cake at the banana festival and when you taste it you'll know why. If I've got any room after this potato that's exactly what I'll be eating next.
Bring to boil and then remove from the heat 600mls of cream, 4 and a half tablespoons of cocoa and 1/2 a cup of oil. Add this to 2 and a 1/2 cups of sugar and 2 and a 1/2 cups of s.r flour n beat. Combine 3 beaten eggs a teaspoon anilla essence 1 and a 1/2 teaspoons of bicarb and add to the mix.
There's also a mock cream that goes with it where you boil up a sugar syrup for five minutes - 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar cool it and then slowly beat it into 7 tablespoons of creamed butter.
It's won Mum the Best Chocolate Cake at the banana festival and when you taste it you'll know why. If I've got any room after this potato that's exactly what I'll be eating next.
2011 - a write off.
So I don't think I know how to blog anymore but I'm going to give it a crack. I wish I never stopped. Then there'd be posts (relieving rants) about Andre's personality disorder almost driving me to get a prescription filled (the last time I wrote about him here I was describing him as a content baby that slept alot - what was that about! That must of lasted half a week!) And I'd have written about how amazing it was to be in the eye of a monsterous cyclone - that was wild. Not as scary as being the mother of a 15 year old "run-to" though. Maybe I'll just start with a post about each of my boiz n then I'll just take it from there as though I never left.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Monday, July 12, 2010
Ma birthday!
Well the sweat pimple I got on my arse has healed, and my shoulders which yesterday felt as if they had been tasered right in the major nerve supplies are much better. Recovery from my all day ZUMBA instructor training workshop on Saturday has been surprising swift. The worst pain I suffered was from being without Andre and towards the end of the workshop my boobs were so sore from being engorged with milk - my God! Try doing chest pumps and shoulder shimmies with massively sore boobs - OUCH! My friend Jennifer, (you might remember her as the chiropractor I fell in love with after she cracked my neck and fixed my headaches, not to mention she is a total spunk..) offered me her spare extra supportive crop top but I had to resort to contacting Greg to bring in Andre for an emergency feed in the middle of the last master class. The training day was excellent - kinda like being at uni again with the handouts and manuals and powerpoint presentation but way more fun and sweat and minus the note taking. (So, okay not much like uni at all.) The guy running it was an absolute dream to look at and I don't give away compliments too often but check him out on facebook if you like - "Jaime Farfan", mmm-mmm. Between him and Jennifer I was bedazzled by beauty. One day I'm going to get serious about making Zumba my lifestyle.. In the meantime I can't wait to get back to class tomorrow night!

Had such busy school holidays. Izzy spent 2 weeks here!!! (Bar weekends) So nice! He let me give him a nice hair cut (actually requested one!!) and we made a compromise that he can dye his hair whatever the hell colour he wants (Joker-Green) as long as he doesn't stretch his lobe any more!

My old neighbour and close friend Julie came down with her kids and spent 3 nights. We hadn't seen each other for about a year! so it was excellent having her here - she's great company. She's just bought an old Queenslander in Railway Estate, Townsville and is in the midst of doing major reno's so we pawed over house plans and Home Beautiful mags (Greg bought me a subscription - YAY!) and talked all house and building stuff - my favourite topic! We spent plenty of time in the kitchen feeding the troops, I did the cooking and she did the dishes - Man it was nice having a kitchen hand! Actually life is so much easier with another woman in the house!! Even if she comes with 3 extra kids!


My birthday was on Friday and Julie made me breakfast before she packed up to take the kids home - the BEST omelet I've ever eaten with left over roast veges, mushrooms, chicken and Havarti cheese - to die for! And she showered me in cool pressies from SMIGGLES!! I love that shop! Greg and the kids gifted me a new camera! Mum brought down a humongous and still warm chocolate cake with home made mock cream and Nick gave me a gift voucher for the Healthy Harvest - knowing myself I'll probably end up spending the whole $100 on their organic dark chocolate!

It's Anakin's birthday next week. 4!! We're inviting our friends to pack a picnic lunch and join us on a bushwalk to Lugger Bay. Hope the weather will be good! He's going to love his prezzies too! Dragons, dinosaurs, things to hatch and train..dress-ups.... We were thinking of a disco dance party but he opted for the bushwalk instead.
I love that little boy so much. You should see the enjoyment he squeezes out of life and the simple things he can turn into a real laugh. He was given a helium balloon the other night and after having all sorts of games with it and playing with it non stop for an entire day he asked me to write "For Sale" on it and then tucked it into André's shirt so as he crawled around the house the For Sale sign hovered over him. He thought that was hilarious. He has his tantrums and dilemmas too of course. Last night I opened the door to throw an old pomelo into the bush and off went his balloon high into the trees - he HOWLED! "Now someone will think that my balloon is for sale!!" But his natural propensity is always to smile and joke, laugh and wink and give thumbs up. I'd die without him.

Andre is a powerhouse. You hold that boy out and he just writhes and twists like a spring of muscle. He's been crawling on all fours for about a month now and can pull himself up to standing on all the furniture. He usually has one big feed of tucker a day now, not that he has any teeth yet - either mashed avo and banano, sweet potato and pumpkin, black sapote, or store bought organic blends. When I was at my Zumba Workshop Greg bought him to see me at lunch time and he was so well fed on food and green coconut milk he wouldn't even have boobie! Every now and again he'll go off his tucker for a couple of days but generally he hooks in. I've got to keep a close eye on him coz there's usually grass and paper in his poo too!


I told you about his beautiful sing-song voice, well these days he's more inclined to make oddly disturbing noises, one is like that of someone imitating machine gun fire and the other sounds like he's having an asthma attack!
Had such busy school holidays. Izzy spent 2 weeks here!!! (Bar weekends) So nice! He let me give him a nice hair cut (actually requested one!!) and we made a compromise that he can dye his hair whatever the hell colour he wants (Joker-Green) as long as he doesn't stretch his lobe any more!

My old neighbour and close friend Julie came down with her kids and spent 3 nights. We hadn't seen each other for about a year! so it was excellent having her here - she's great company. She's just bought an old Queenslander in Railway Estate, Townsville and is in the midst of doing major reno's so we pawed over house plans and Home Beautiful mags (Greg bought me a subscription - YAY!) and talked all house and building stuff - my favourite topic! We spent plenty of time in the kitchen feeding the troops, I did the cooking and she did the dishes - Man it was nice having a kitchen hand! Actually life is so much easier with another woman in the house!! Even if she comes with 3 extra kids!
My birthday was on Friday and Julie made me breakfast before she packed up to take the kids home - the BEST omelet I've ever eaten with left over roast veges, mushrooms, chicken and Havarti cheese - to die for! And she showered me in cool pressies from SMIGGLES!! I love that shop! Greg and the kids gifted me a new camera! Mum brought down a humongous and still warm chocolate cake with home made mock cream and Nick gave me a gift voucher for the Healthy Harvest - knowing myself I'll probably end up spending the whole $100 on their organic dark chocolate!
It's Anakin's birthday next week. 4!! We're inviting our friends to pack a picnic lunch and join us on a bushwalk to Lugger Bay. Hope the weather will be good! He's going to love his prezzies too! Dragons, dinosaurs, things to hatch and train..dress-ups.... We were thinking of a disco dance party but he opted for the bushwalk instead.
I love that little boy so much. You should see the enjoyment he squeezes out of life and the simple things he can turn into a real laugh. He was given a helium balloon the other night and after having all sorts of games with it and playing with it non stop for an entire day he asked me to write "For Sale" on it and then tucked it into André's shirt so as he crawled around the house the For Sale sign hovered over him. He thought that was hilarious. He has his tantrums and dilemmas too of course. Last night I opened the door to throw an old pomelo into the bush and off went his balloon high into the trees - he HOWLED! "Now someone will think that my balloon is for sale!!" But his natural propensity is always to smile and joke, laugh and wink and give thumbs up. I'd die without him.
Andre is a powerhouse. You hold that boy out and he just writhes and twists like a spring of muscle. He's been crawling on all fours for about a month now and can pull himself up to standing on all the furniture. He usually has one big feed of tucker a day now, not that he has any teeth yet - either mashed avo and banano, sweet potato and pumpkin, black sapote, or store bought organic blends. When I was at my Zumba Workshop Greg bought him to see me at lunch time and he was so well fed on food and green coconut milk he wouldn't even have boobie! Every now and again he'll go off his tucker for a couple of days but generally he hooks in. I've got to keep a close eye on him coz there's usually grass and paper in his poo too!


I told you about his beautiful sing-song voice, well these days he's more inclined to make oddly disturbing noises, one is like that of someone imitating machine gun fire and the other sounds like he's having an asthma attack!
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