So, the birthday party the other night spelt the beginning of the end of a 14 year old relationship. Hardly worth it. My babysitter is now, (I'm making it official right here), smoozying-it-up with... wait for ... my brother-in-law! Blurgh!
From my perspective, I'm finding it a bit of a challenge to process. Can you tell me how you'd feel if your sister suddenly started getting it on with the only other man in the whole world that shares the same genetic make-up as yours (and the one that's been yours for the past 7 and a half years). It's just plain weird. And she doesn't acknowledge that it might be weird for me. She just says "I don't care. Get over it."
I can understand that the relationship she was in had kind of run it's course. But man I wish she'd take some time to look a bit further-a-field. I feel like my family circle is going to implode on itself. I want it to expand, not friggin retract! It's all too incestuous for me. I think I'm gunna hurl up my dinner.
But to balance out that little spac-attack let me just state that she is the most caring and nuturing and loving and devoted Auntie little Anakin could ever want for. She admits to sounding like a broken record the way she raves about him and tells me how she loves him SO MUCH!! Hang on.. maybe there's another whole angle why she's on with his Uncle...
PS - Just think happy thoughts... pink iced cupcakes and jasmine tea... turkish deligh dusted with powdered icing sugar and mint julups... a trashy mag when the baby is asleep... a decent ep of the B&B... rainbows and kittens and new born babies (not belonging to your sister), puppies and fairies and magic pots of golds...
Ok - that will do it!
It sounds kind of like my hubby's family...this gets a little confusing so bear with me...
Little jeanie is hubby's mom's neice (got that?) Sam is hubby's dad's uncle ('k?) They are married. so now hubby has 3 cousins and a bunch of mini cousins that are related to him twice...
I have a headache now...
I can see why this would be peeve you off.. still look at it this way.. one less person to buy gifts for on birthdays and christmas!
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