Friday, June 1, 2007

Obsession by Nadine Klein

I have permanent discomfort in my neck due to my obsessive compulsion to lift my head off the pillow to free up my ears and scan around the room wide-eyed in the dark in a desperate bid to identify where the whining sound of a mosquito is coming from. This is what I do in bed all night. Sometimes I hit the jackpot and find the little b*st*rd but way more often than not it turns out to be a false alarm.

According to the book “The Natural History of the Senses” your hearing plays tricks on you way more than your sight does in the dark. So sometimes I think I’m conjuring up the sound of mosquitoes in my head. But I don’t really believe that. Maybe it’s the sound of the innermost mechanisms of the ceiling fan sending out an almost inaudible (but not for my bionic ears) high pitch noise. Maybe it’s nothing but the air faintly wheezing in and out of my own nostrils.

Nevertheless that phantom mosquito noise keeps me awake at night in my bid to promote a good sleep for Anakin. But it’s totally at the detriment of our own good sleep. I dunno how many times I’ve woken Greg in the dead of night hissing frantically “GET THE TORCH!!! I CAN HEAR IT AGAIN!!!” At least he can drop back off to sleep in a nanosecond. I’m left bewildered, straining at the ears and staring into space like a nut case.

Well after last weekend Greg got cranky at me for being cranky at him but as usual it was nothing a little bit of TLC couldn’t fix. If we really take time for each other things are always much smoother for us. (ie getting freaky in the bedroom whenever humanly possible .) He did masses of yard work this weekend too, which is always a turn on.

Anakin got rid of his snotties but I think he’s teething again. He has been running a slight fever with runny poos and has lost his appetite for solids and has this tangy smell about him like spewk. So he’s been sleeping only really lightly and needs feeding like a newborn which has been a little bit draining. But he puts up with everything so well. His default button is set on Happy. Which makes life pretty easy.

Izzy has been getting right into basketball and makes a racket practicing his dribbling techniques through the house. Plus I think he might be under the delusion that the more he squeaks his shoes the better player he is. “And 1” DVD’s have taken preference over Wrestling ones lately. I’m glad his interest in basketball has taken off and I hope it’s not a phase. It gives him and Greg another thing to bond over and that’ll help when Izzy’s Dad isn’t around. Greg has been taking time to teach him skills and drills and give him some encouragement. (That last one hasn’t happened nearly enough in the past as far as I’m concerned.) So it’s all good.Need to ring the solicitor today and see if I can get a response other than “when the contract is afoot”…What the hell does that mean anyway?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.