Monday, July 14, 2008

Soul Kitchen or a Ramsey Nightmare

Izzy's lost two more teeth! That makes it a total of four during these school holidays. Meanwhile he's in Grade 7 and has only got 8 adult teeth so it's been on the cards.

I'm sitting here in the dark, everyone else has gone to sleep - Izzy has his Dad bunking down in his room and his Nana camping in the lounge. Yesterday we had his two Aunties come down from Cairns with their families so along with all the other relies we've seen these holidays it's been non-stop around here - especially in the kitchen. I've had days where it seems like I went directly from cleaning up the dishes from the big pancake breakfast (I really do feed everyone pancakes) to launching straight into another big bake-up while taking mental notes on what needs to be bought for dinner! I'd been so busy with other catering demands that it took me three days to finally get around to making myself a birthday cake. Anakin got some practise in and helped me blow out the candles and he sang Happy Birthday so beautifully and sincerely (and has sung it to me every day since) where as the other clowns (Greg and Paul and Izzy) were so dud I made them sing it twice more and it still didn't get any better!

There's been times when I've been "Get out! Kitchen's closed! But with Anakin's birthday this weekend the madness is going to continue. Let's hope I have the stamina!

Pupil Free Day today. The fact that I enjoy my job more when the kids aren't actually there makes me think I'm going to need a career change in the future, that maybe I got into the wrong field. Doh! A really well paying one where I can dress-up and look all glam. Something creative but not too stressful. Any ideas for me coz I don't have any?

Auntie Bec brought down her hairdressing kit with her yesterday and gave me this sweetest little bob, it's not concave, has basically no layering, just this cute Chicago 'do. She was so thorough. It's the best cut I've had for ever. Yay!! My new stylist is in the family!! Next time I might book in for some colour!

Did some work out at the block on the weekend. I was so happy to be out there raking and whipper-snipping in the midday sun. When Greg and Bubby came to pick me up we walked to the creek together (5 minutes!) and Bub got in for a swim! It was SO stingin' cold his little naked body went red like it'd been slapped all over. It was priceless though - watching his enthusiasm and enjoyment. Then again, he's like that mainly every day!

Greg took the kids out on the boat yesterday morning and all I've been hearing about is this massive crocodile they saw. In Anakin's words "HUGE!!" All the talk about it gave me a bad dream :( Anyone want to trade a deadly caravan for a 16ft V-bottom?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good haircuts are always nice.

Hmmm, thinking about a job for you...

There are WAY too much scary wildlife where you live by the way.