Thursday, March 19, 2009

Coulda popped a clot

Well we've finished watching Underbelly so maybe my blog will get some attention at nightimes again.

I've had a few pretty shithouse days after going to the dentist and getting some roots extracted from right down in my gum. Oh man, I spent about 4 days feeling like I'd been repeatedly punched to the side of the head and trying not to overdo it on the Nurofen. I'm into pretty clean living so to me the idea of too many is like more than one a day. Anything that restricts my relationship with food is bound to bring me down. Just today it's become a great deal more bearable which has been a huge relief, the thought of having to go get the hole poked around in a bit more totally sucked. I had to put my exercise regime on hold (afer all of a whole three really nice workouts) coz I felt if my heartrate when up too high I'd burst a blood clot and have an aterial spray. Mind you even if though I coulda popped a clot I risked my blood pressure rising from more pleasurable persuits... heh heh heh...

Anyway I'm on the rebound now. Luckily coz we're going on a big road trip down to the opal fields near Lightening Ridge in a couple of weeks. That's going to be one huge drive! I'm hoping the in-laws have an internet connection down there as I'm not going to want to miss out on any exciting blog news and pregnancy updates etc. Speaking of which. After so many years of not being able to see past the difficulties of another pregnancy and baby, I've suddenly... to be continued..


Anonymous said...

Don't leave us hanging! URGGH!

Averil said...


Did someone mention Opals? I like opals.