Thursday, May 1, 2008

And again

I like the 2 times 45 minute drives me and Izzy make together when we decide to do late night shopping. It gives us a chance to talk and have a few laughs together. This is an example of the obscure paths conversations take when Izzy is at the helm:

Iz: "Cavemen must of had really bad teeth hey?"
Me: " I dunno. Maybe when you eat an optimal diet - natural things humans are suppose to eat your teeth stay good. It's not like they had access to refined carbs and sugars back in those days."
Iz: "Mum, they had bad teeth. They ate rats. They feasted on rat meat. The cave women would chew on the rat skins to make leather."
Me: "Tough times. And you think you've got it bad because you have to go to school on Thursdays."
Iz: "No. They loved chewing on rat skins."
Me: "That's just what you want to believe so you can feel justified having your little melodrama's about how much maths you have to do on Thursdays."
Iz: Probably. No, but Mum. Me sucking on my Werthers Chewy Caramel is like them eating their rat flesh. They loved it."
Me: "Oh Yeah"
Iz "True. Me and my goldfish is like them and their ringworms..." (continues on and on making comparisons)

Greg is watching LOST. I'm always catching tiny snippets of it here and there while doing other things and infuriate him with my questions "What's happening??" "What's she do that for??" "Is this a flashback or a flashforward?" He doesn't even know most of the time and he's watched it right from the start. I don't even think the writers know how it all works.

I bought Anakin a little life jacket for the boat tonight. It's kind of like organising a will - the most sensible thing you can do, but the thought of actually needing it one day is enough to make you sick in the guts. As a person who has little to no interest in water sports or boating, irrational phobias about crocodiles and sharks and sickening nightmares about the demise of my family in the very same river we'll be launching into, I really wish Greg had of invested in a caravan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the same horrible fears about the water, but I love it all the same.

Scott and I really miss watching LOST. We are taking advantage of the free internet this week and going to download the rest of Season 3 so we can then start Season 4. Great Show.

Unfortunately, we haven't been able to see Gordon's new show...hmmm, going to check on getting those back episodes too!