Monday, May 5, 2008

Cassowary Capers

On my way home from work last week I almost rear-ended a minibus of backpackers who had come to a complete stop in a 100k zone to take photo's of this cassowary sign. I've seen it done a few times but usually the tourists have the good sense to get off the road a bit first! But anyway it reminded me of a few funny stories that Greg has gleaned from the tea room at work.

This is funny. One young lad had spent loads of money doing up his car and had finally gotten it finished just the way he wanted. Anyway all the road signs around here aren't just for show, you actually do have to stop for cassowaries crossing the road quite frequently, as he had to one day. Except he got impatient with the particular slow-moving giant bird he was waiting on and gave it a bit of a nudge. But it did a bit more than hurry the cassowary along, it actually freaked it right out! It jumped up onto the bonnet of his freshly spraypainted pride-and-joy, stomped up and down on it and totally scratched the shit out of it before jumping down and running away! Ha ha ha! Oh man! How devastated would ya be. I wonder if insurance covered it.

And another one. Okay same thing that happened to me happened to this other guy - except the tourists hadn't pulled up in the middle of the road to take photo's of the cassowary sign, they'd pulled up in the middle of the road to take photo's of the actual cassowary. This guy wasn't going to be able to pull up in time so had to swerve right around the parked car to narrowly avoid a real bad car accident. Except he had a fatal collision with the cassowary instead. I would have like to have seen what ended up on those polaroids! A big puff of bird feathers probably.


Jenn said...

I love those signs - they crack me up every time.

@workingwomenaus said...

I know I shouldn't laugh...


Anonymous said...

Just how big are these birds anyway? Adding to my list of things to "google".

House full of blue said...

Ohhh!!! I want a photo of the sign too!!! Too funny!!

Yes, i know - small things!

Fi xx