Friday, May 23, 2008


Wednesday was a good day in the classroom - I only had to send two kids to the isolation room at lunchtime and I'm thinking life is good - I'm getting through to these little terrors.

But then I worked Thursday as well. Thursdays we go to the library and I prep' them thoroughly "libraries are like churches, we need to be very quiet and use whispering voices (yeah right! - "MISS I FOUND WALLY!!! I FOUND HIM!!!!!!). Actually I didn't think they were doing too badly and then after a couple of reminders during story time Mrs StrictlyKickinItOldSchool came waltzing over and got fair up the whole class right in front of me! :( "I HEARD MISS NADINE ASK YOU TO KEEP QUIET!! I'M TRYING TO WORK OVER THERE AND I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK! BLAH BLAH RANT RANT (As if I don't do enough of that myself). I was so utterly humiliated, like, give me some professional space lady. I swear I was so embarrassed and offended I went bright red and boiling hot in an instant, I took it really badly and it was written right over my face. It didn't help that I'd just gotten my period and already felt like emotional jelly. She must have thought she was doing me a favour, backing me up with some obviously much needed authori-tie. She winked at me on the way out the door like that's how you really rip it up 'em Love. But I just felt so undermined. That was the second time she'd interrupted my lesson too - I had a boy ask me if he could go to the loo - if kids ask me to go to the loo, I let them, I suppose there's the odd kid that just wants to cruise off for a walk but who cares it's not like they're gone for long - a couple of minutes! And denying a kid who needs to go is just cruel. Anyway this particular kid is always asking to go and the way he fiddles around with himself I think he might have a bit of an issue, so I suggested he try and remember to go during lunch breaks and was about to let him when she charges over again "Miss Nadine I was on playground duty and I reminded everyone to go to the toilet didn't I children?? Did I not children?? Blah Blah Blah!" I should have told her "Excuse me but he happened to ask me. "Yes son, off you go." Anyway I let him go TWICE during afternoon session and I hope he walked right passed her window on the way!

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