Wednesday, January 30, 2008

'Ello 'ello

Thought it would be nice to update. Although when my sister was here looking after Anakin while I began my new job on Thursday she cleaned up the kitchen and lounge spotlessly proving to Greg yet again that I waste far too much time on the computer and after the barrage of flack I copped for not being as mad-keen on cleaning as Nick I angrily responded by vowing "I'LL NEVER LOG ON TO MY STUPID FRIGGIN BLOG AGAIN IF YOU WILL JUST SHUT UP!". But anyway here I am. Goes to show how much I bullshit in the heat of the moment. But seriously sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth.

Anakin has taken The Arts by the neck. Particularly dancing. You should see him go, it's so cute. He goes soft at the knees and bobs up and down while he sways his body and his head about. And his arms breeze about all over the place. It's a whole body thing. And he's not entirely happy unless everybody in the whole house is joining in. Same with drawing - he hands out crayons left and right and implores us all to "Draw! Draw!"

Izzy is enjoying the privileges of Grade Seven: Sitting in the back seat of the school bus. Having the only veranda in the school to hang out on in the morning and at lunch. He's only been for one day but he thinks Grade 7 is going to be a breeze. I'm actually looking into what study is involved in becoming a Dental Technician as he thinks this might be a career prospect for his future. (Finger crossed, I'm definitely going to need those services in my old age! Hell, I might even do it with him!) We're being a bit hasty I know (the kids only just getting his first few pimples) but he's always initiated conversations about his job opportunities and it's a step up from managing EB games and living in my basement (I don't even have a basement) which has been his vision for himself for the last 6 months or so. Thankfully he's progressed from there.

We had a long weekend in Cairns with Greg's family. And we also got to catch up with Izzy's Aunties (Paul's baby sisters). Greg got to go fishing. I got to go to the opshop, Izzy bought a slingshot and Bubby got a new honky-horn for his bike, so we were all happy.

I also raided The Warehouse and bought lots of cool trinkets and novelty stationary stuff for my Grade 2/3EB treasure box. (It's been changed to a composite class!) I meet them all next on Wednesday. That'll be great. I made up a rap we can sing as kind of an affirmation in the mornings. It goes:

Two Three E B are smart and strong,
We try our hardest all day long.

We never complain when it's a-bit-of-a strain.
Coz we love to exercise our brains.

Our bodies get a work-out daily,
Jump-rope, running, circuit training.

You'll never find us in detention,
Because we get so much special attention.

It took me about 2 minutes but I thought it fitted nicely with the Smart Moves initiatives for this year.

I finished Jesse's book. It's ingenious, funny and really, really honestly written. I'm so proud of him and now I understand why he always came across as a bit full of his own self-importance - it's coz he deserved to be. I didn't know he had it in him, but I'm sure glad he knew. It's a classic - I hope he writes more! It'd be outrages if he didn't. I can't wait for my brother to read it now, so we can go on and on about it together. It's SO quotable. I put it on my favourites list in my profile. Gotta jump - Bub's just woken up. XX


Anonymous said...

I am very glad you are back blogging.. I was starting to worry!

Your rap was too cute.. Will Smith has nothing on you ;)

Anonymous said...

Dental Tech? har har har - he'll HAVE to go to uni for that one!! ; )

Kisses said...

NG - yeah I worried that you might think those unidentified alien things that I mentioned seeing in my previous post came to collect me because I mentioned them on the WWW.

Tiff - actually it's 2 years TAFE then on the job training.

Anonymous said...

glad you're back!

I think will smith might have a little something on you (yummy man) but not in the rap department

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

@workingwomenaus said...

You'll be the coolest teacher on the block!

So glad to have you back ;)

Shel said...

I missed you too!!!