Tuesday, August 28, 2007


We’ve just gotten back from the Izzy’s interschool sports carnival. We all dressed in blue and took our blue bear with blue ribbons to wave in the air while we hollered “Go Izzy! Go Izzy!!” He’s not the most athletic kid in the world but he did bring home one blue ribbon for file gap pass. Hurray!! Me and his dad argued about whose genetic material was dominant as we checked out his high jump style (mine) and watched him pull his duds up round his armpits so they wouldn’t knock the bar (his).

Oh and I forgot to say that we spent family night last Friday at the show. It was awesome. Anakin, who usually hates sitting in his stroller was quite content there because there was so much to look at. We took him to see all the chookies and parked ourselves where all the kids screamed by overhead on the nauseating rides. We ate fish sandwiches for dinner and waffles for dessert. We bought a flashing fan for Bubby, showbags for Izzy, toasted marshmallows for me (they all melted at the sports carnival today) and a beer for Daddy.

My brother in law took a portfolio of photo’s of all the Carni’s. (One of his favourite shows is Carnival, bested only by the Soprano’s) I hope he took one of the beaded lady that served me a waffle and the skinny little Cleatus that ran the dodgems. Which, I might add, I’m sporting great tennis ball sized bruises on my knees from! During my shoe-expedition the following day I was lurching around with these crippled knees from too many head-ons in the dodgems.

I hate my girlfriend’s new electronic scales. They suck. On the positive side they scared me into starting to actually exercise. My neighbour has graciously invited me to use the treadmill in her upstairs bedroom. (I’d use the spinner in my own spare room but then I’d have to confront the mounds of washing that needs folding up. It’s much better over there – if there is any housework to do it’s not mine! Plus she’s always up for a good girlie chat afterwards, about kids and childbirth and sex and clothes and shoes…) In two more days I will have broken my last record of exercising three times a row! Golf clap!

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