Monday, December 10, 2007

"Make Me Current"

I've booked myself a hairdresser's appointment on Friday and I'm finally going to get to use that line. I tell you what though, I hope they know what they're doing - I've got the finest most flyaway, difficult-to-manage hair and I don't know what it's doing these days - since having Anakin half of it has fallen out and I've lost all my curl! It's a sad, sad state of affairs. Me and my neighbour have booked in together and we'll be doing a little bit coffeshoppin' beforehand. Yay! Greg's first day of holidays and I'm going to be leaving him to it!

Man I'm so glad survivor is back on telle coz there hasn't been anything decent on for ages. Bubby had to stay awake through the two hour special last night as I couldn't drag myself away to put him to bed! That yummy gravedigger had me squirming around in my seat, he's got to win for sure! Mmm-mm.

I'm hoping Greg's going to buy me a big roll of black plastic at work in the next couple of days so the kids can have a slip-n-slide in the yard all holidays.

The boys are opening their prezzies early this year (Saturday) because Big Brussie will be down in Sydney on the 25th. His Dad better look after him real good!! I can imagine the plane being full of boys and girls making the trip to see their absent fathers for the school holidays.

Anakin is starting swimming lessons with my neighbour this arve. When I ask him if he wants to go for a visit next door he goes "Swim? Swim?" She's only charging me $5 a lesson. Bargain!

Izzy is having a total bludge week at school. Today he's doing weaving all day. Tomorrow he'll probably be having dress rehearsals for the school concert and some Christmas craft. Thursday they're watching movies and Friday is clean-up day.

Twice this week I've found myself with my head buried deep into the wheelie bin. The first time I explained to Izzy that, even though I'd love to, I can't keep all his school books year after year, that we just don't have room for anything (same old story) and that after having a real good look through them and tearing out all the blank pages for recycling, I'd just have to bite the bullet and chuck them in the bin. He couldn't have cared less. Well they spent one night in there 'till the guilt set in and I pulled them all back out. I'll damn well find room...somewhere! Second time I thought I must have thrown out Izzy's new keycard and pin as I realised they should have been in the mail a few days ago and my usual form is just to chuck bank stuff out (reminder to self - inform the bank I access my statements on line.) After dragging through all the wheelie-bin contents AGAIN I found it in the letter box. Doh!


Clare said...

Forgive my ignorance but did you feel guilty because you were chucking out his hard work? May I make a suggestion? I was posed with a similar dilemma - I had all my school books from when I was a kid, I didn't want to chuck them but at the same tie I never EVER looked at them.. so I took photos of all the pages I wanted to remember and then recycled the books. Now I can see them when I log onto my page but I don't need to worry about them taking up space in my 600 square foot apartment!

Good luck with the haircut :) I hope you have a wonderful day.

Kisses said...

Yes, guilty for throwing out his whole years worth of schoolwork the day after he brought his books home! Up until this year he's always had a "Journal" which was the obvious one to keep. But that's a brilliant idea of yours. That could be the solution I'm after. Thanks Love.

Anonymous said...


See you tomorrow morning for cuppas n treats!

As for the knife question... i have never had sharp knives - thank goodness - else I probably would have amputated a limb as well by now...


Belle said...

Heartless shrew! How dare you throw those memories in the bin. Would the bank throw your things away like that? I think not.

Jenn said...

I want pictures of this new hairdo :D

Anonymous said...

I hope the line worked for you . . . you may be "current" today - but the question is, "Do you like it?" I hope so!

Finally taking time to catch up on your blog over my coffee this a.m..

Another Australianism - "wheelie-bin" ... took me a while to figure it out. Oooohhh, trash can! But wheelie bin is a better name because I bet it has wheels on the bottom, right? I swear when I read your blog these days I hear the voices of The Road Warrior (and I say that only because I'm a big fan of The Road Warrior). xoxR