Sunday, December 23, 2007

Food and Friends

I've stumbled upon the best combination of foods for a big bowl of breakfast (I'm talking BIG), you've gotta try it it's YUM: Bowen mango, cherries, fresh dates, Brazil nuts, - chop it all up and mix it with organic yogurt and a sprinkling of Carmans toasted nut muesli. Mmm-mm!! I was eating something similar all through mango season when I was pregnant with Anakin - no wonder he was monstrous! Sounds like I'm a bit of a health freak but there was a time last week when it occured to me that I'd eaten cake for breakfast about 3 times in a row. I like the best of both worlds. I just love tasty food.

Speaking of food, I have been assigned the "Fruit Platter" for our Christmas brunch at Nick's. Where we'll be enjoying croisants and ham and eggs and sweets as well. I also have been allocated the Christmas trifle for dessert after an early roast turkey dinner at Mum's along with my famous potato salad, which I make with lots of tasty bacon and onion, parsley, walnuts, boiled eggs and lashings of whole egg mayo'. I've also got everything I need to make rocky-road, and already have a container of dark chocolate cherry and macadamia truffles in the fridge. Man I love a good feast but seriously the New Year needs to herald a commitment to some serious exercise!

I came home today to a loaded grumicharma tree and picked a huge container full. We've also got loads of carambolas on, which Bubby hooks into all the time exclaiming "yum! YUM-MY!" with juice dripping all over him. Looks like a huge crop of black sapotes coming on too. It so good to be able to wander down the yard and eat stuff straight off the trees. Anakin just LOVES it! If he's a bit skeptical about trying something, say cherries, I just have to emphasise to him "It's a TREE cherry Bubby! It came off the tree! Eat it up." And he does. I'm totally thankful to my mum - she's the one who's planted trees her entire life. She spends her entire weekends (when she's not linedancing!) in her orchard and when she's run out of work there she comes down to do some in mine. She is legendary. No joke.

The cubby is finished too! Mum made the curtains for it and hung them up while we were away over the weekend. Another surprise when we arrived home! It looks really cute and I can't wait to post pix. (Iz took the camera to Sydney.)

I had a girlfriend ring up out of the blue today, she's been up the Cape for the last 6 months and I'm really excited in the hope that I might see her here tomorrow. I love her for being such a spirited party girl and she loves my brutal honesty. She's thrown the best cocktail and fancy-dress parties I've ever been to, in the most out-of-the-way depths of the bush! And I've provided a haven for her to stay when she's overstepped the boundaries of her marriage just that little too far (or usually in her case - a lot too far!) We grew up in a similarly unconventional family environment and can understand each other well. She's a doll and I haven't seen her since...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

for the food alone I'm coming to your place!