Friday, March 2, 2007

Whatever Nevermind

I spent hours dragging the furniture ‘round last night. One side of our bed is now pressed firmly against the wall! From my bed I’m staring at Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss” on the wall rather than the amazing greenery of the outdoors.

But the important thing is that Bubby has less of a chance to nosedive out of bed. Without having to jam pack pillows all around us and on the odd chance that Bubby will let me have my boob back I may have a chance to actually lie comfortably in bed! ie curled tightly in the fetal position with one elbow crooked under my head and the other hand palm down under my cheek, knees drawn up tight with my feet crossing over each other. Ahh makes me all relaxed just thinking about it, but I won’t get my hopes up!

With Bubby’s propensity to the Titty the odd occasion for my own personal comfort arises rarely and fleetingly! I’m most often lying in all these obscure configurations trying to do mental affirmations that circumstances aside I would choose to lie like that. It doesn’t really work, I think I need to see a chiropractor bad!! Never mind, I’m a self-sacrificing mother we do this kind of stuff all the time…

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