Thursday, February 8, 2007

A Perfect Fit

My Bubby is a sweet and cheeky monkey – just like Curious George. What a little luvikins. These are some of the quirky little things he’s into:

He holds one hand aloft, gazes at it thoughtfully while he clenches and unclenches his fingers.

Sometimes he blows instead of sucking on Titty, then wriggles around blowing big spitty raspberries anywhere he can – even on knees!

He’s learnt that choking and gagging noises get my attention double quick – so he makes them and then laughs at me when I jump to his attention in a panic.

He seems to wave goodbye and hello now but I’m not sure if it’s just his arms flapping involuntarily because he is excited to see someone.

When he's intent on communicating he puckers up his lips and sucks and blows air in and out. (He can almost whistle!) And his facial expressions dance around.

He is getting so good at picking up the fruit from his tray – he can even get little blueberries and sultanas into his mouth.

He gets the giggles at his funny brother and when he’s overtired. And he’s got a kind of inward laugh like me, one that doesn’t make much noise but is just this kind of sucking-in, winding-up sound, not like his Daddy who has a loud “haw-haw-haw!”

He loves to make singing noises and has the cutest voice and he makes that Indian war-cry sound, but more of a drone, when we clap him on the back.

He gives me the yummiest dreamy-eyed cuddles when he wakes up from a big sleep.

He's used to lots of attention and finds it most unusual when people don't look at him and interact. So he stares at them until they do! He never blinks! He takes everyone in with his big wide eyes.

He makes me laugh when he has a good old stretch and pushes his belly right up in the air and when we turn the light off and you can see his eyes ping wide open trying to see in the dark - he looks shocked! And when he loves me so much for having his yummy titties and he goes suck-suck-suck and then looks up for a big smile. Suck-suck-suck - smile... Ahr makes your heart melt..

It’s so beautiful to catch him admiring one of us. He was certainly born into the right family – he’s a perfect fit. We all adore him and I’m pretty sure he feels the same.

It’s incredible to think of conception and at any other time we would have made a different little person – the endless possibilities…but you know I really don’t believe it. I just think you are meant to have the precious little baby you do.

He likes us to monkey grip arms when he’s having a feed – I love that. And I love that his hair’s getting thicker each day – I can actually fuzz it all out now and give him a little mini mohawk. I love that he admires my Gustav Klimt prints more than I do.

I love everything – I’m just in love!

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