Friday, February 16, 2007

Will You Click Here?

I was getting excited at having some ladies actually reading my dairy when I discovered that my own clicks get added too! Man – I’ve probably reentered my own dairy about 400 times to add extra details, correct my spelling of Nanna (is it right now??), make sure the corrections actually took place, edit my photos… Anyway if you’re actually reading this right now I’m waving excitedly at you with a big grin on my face okay! And hopefully it’s not just my stupid face waving back at me…

My in-laws stayed on the weekend and when Greg’s family is around that means I’m surrounded by people that are a good foot – foot and a half taller than me. They’re friggin gargantuans, I think they border on having Gigantisms. They take up so much room! I feel like little Thumbalina in the land of Giants!

Actually Greg being 2 meters tall and me being a little umpallumpa is one of most obvious difference that just illustrates a world of differences that lie between our life experiences and our intrinsic natures. Frankly I dunno how we survive together in the same domicile let alone seeking each others company. I’ll give you some examples.

I’m a reader. Greg says things to me like, “At work tonight I’m going to try and finish that article that I started reading last week, it’s all about Puff Daddy.” I say “Good for you Babe!”

As a result of his literary experience being pretty much taken up on FHM and bodybuilding magazines I’ve got a better vocabulary than he has. But instead of learning some new words he makes fun of me. “Hey everyone, have you ever heard anyone use “sojourn” in a sentence? See! Nobody ever uses that word!” Okay Greg just you and all your semi-retarded friends just stick together, stick to what you know…

Greg reads everything aloud just to prove that he can!

However Greg is an excellent viewer. He gets all the plots and subplots and every twist and turn of everything he watches. I’m a bit thick in this department half the time and he always has to explain to me what’s going on.

Besides living with me and a very brief stint with a mate Greg lived his entire life in one house – his family home. The thought of that nearly makes me hyperventilate. I moved out of my Mum’s when I was 14 and out of my Dad’s when I was 16 and then many adventures took place all over the countryside.

I was raised up on music like Pink Floyd, Moody Blues and Canned Heat and in my early teens progressed to Lou Reed, Jim Morrison and Tim Buckley. He was raised on “I wander, today, in the hills, Maggie”…and progressed to Lionel Richie and Snoop Dogg.

He was a sports jock, I was a misfit!When he’s hot, I’m cold. He likes to sleep with his chest covered. I like to sleep with my legs covered.He likes to cultivate weeds, I like to prune!

He likes to gather clutter, I like to eradicate clutter.

He likes to snooze at every given opportunity, I just want to (smother him in his sleep) stay up deep into the night.

Greg is really good at staying in touch with all his mates and I’m pretty bad.

The list is really never-ending. But hey they reckon opposites attract because when you have completely different genetic material you make a stronger, healthier baby. And that we did!

Speaking of babies Anakin is 7 months old today. Hip-hip-hurray!! And if we were more diligent and took him to the toilet whenever he got wiggly he’d be completely toilet trained! “You’re smart and smart and smart!”

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